Texas Independence Day was this past Friday March 2nd, and March 6th, marks the day that many defenders fell during the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. With such rich Texas history upon us, the folks at Hardin-Simmons University have a very significant piece of that history on display. A letter written by General Sam Houston.


The letter that is on display from General Sam Houston, talks about the creation of a currency for the Republic of Texas. The letter and other artifacts concerning the newly created Republic of Texas are on display at the Hardin-Simmons University library. Authentic Republic of Texas currency as well as a copy of the letter from William Barrett Travis, written to the people of Texas and all Americans, requesting their help for the battle that would be on March 6, 1836.

The documents will be on display through the month of March.


Source: Janlyn Thaxton HSU Media Relations




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