
Poland Hosts Hilarious Wiener Dog Parade
Poland Hosts Hilarious Wiener Dog Parade
Poland Hosts Hilarious Wiener Dog Parade
Today marks the day Poland made our list of awesome countries. Why? They openly celebrate their love of weiner dogs! No, seriously. These folks have no shame, and they showed their affection by dressing up and parading around their Dachshunds like the grumpy bundles of cuteness they are.
Surfing Dogs Hang Ten at ‘Surf City’
Surfing Dogs Hang Ten at ‘Surf City’
Surfing Dogs Hang Ten at ‘Surf City’
That's Sugar, the surf dog riding the biggest wave ever by a dog his size in a small dog surfing contest. It happened this weekend at Surf City Surf Dog -- a weekend-long event in Huntingdon Beach, California. We've got lots of pictures of the event too, which means you get to experience the whole thing without succumbing to massive wet dog funk. You're welcome.
‘The Daily Show’ Workplace Goes to the Dogs
‘The Daily Show’ Workplace Goes to the Dogs
‘The Daily Show’ Workplace Goes to the Dogs
There’s no reason to believe Jon Stewart is anything but really, really cool. He’s a pro at the alphabet game, after all! Although this might be difficult to comprehend, we’ve discovered the funny guy has reached an entirely new level of awesome. And it involves dogs.
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
So far, we've seen corgis take a hike, get stuck climbing stairs, catch treats in slow motion and cover 'Call me Maybe.' But this video of a corgi puppy battling a door stop beats all others in terms of sheer cuteness. In fact, we're starting to wonder if corgis are just playing with our emotions.
Florida Man Wrestles Gator to Save Beloved Dog
Florida Man Wrestles Gator to Save Beloved Dog
Florida Man Wrestles Gator to Save Beloved Dog
We already knew that dogs love their masters, but how far will a pet owner go to protect their beloved pooch? In Florida, a 66-year-old grandfather recently wrestled a seven-foot alligator to save his West Highland Terrier. Answer is, pretty far, apparently.
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
Photobombs are the (often intoxicated) work of a dude who stealthily weasels his way into your photographs, completely marring what would've been a nice clean picture of you and your boo on your romantic vacation. But it doesn't stop here. This snapshot wrecking ball genius has pets.

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