With Halloween drawing nearer, the Zombies or rather the People of Wal-Mart will soon be at a Super Center near you. We’ve all either seen the emails with the pictures or have gone to the People of Wal-Mart website for verification that you own picture was not posted. Now we can add to the mix, a song written and performed by David S. Thomas, that touts The People of Wal-Mart and will have you singing along by at least the third verse, and like the People of Wal-Mart you don’t even have to sing on key. Good luck!

Wal-Mart People Pink Hatted Cowboy

 This October 31st will have trick or treating inside the big Wal-Malt Super-Center however, since Halloween falls on a weekday the children will have to be in bed early for school the next day. Which means that all of those people that you’ve seen pictures of, will be out in full force. Now here are the rules, and there’s only two rules. One you bring a camera and take in the sights, or two, you come dressed so that “The People Of Wal-Mart” will be saying, “look at that FREAK!” Happy Halloween Y’all!



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