Hardin Simmons University students chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, will join in a campaign asking students to pledge a promise to not Text While Driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that in 2008, 5,800 people were killed all due to distracted drivers. The NTSA says those numbers are climbing more every year.


The catalyst for this campaign is Terry Minami, administrative assistant to the dean of libraries who heads up the service club.

Minami points to accidents across the country blamed on distracted drivers who are looking at their phone instead of the road. “By getting students to take heed and not text while driving—and if we can save one life—the project is worthwhile,” says Minami. “I just recently read about a pickup truck that collided with a bus load of school children. The 19-year-old driving the truck and a 15-year-old student in the bus were both killed.”

While there are several videos that touch on the subject, here are two that will get your attention. Have you ever sent a text while driving?




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